
Posts Tagged ‘Advertising’

Not for sale!

In Advertising, Cause on November 28, 2010 at 7:40 pm

I was surprised that my post about human trafficking was very popular. Here are some other creative ads that create awareness around the subject of human trafficking, prostitution and slavery.


I know it is not a fun subject to talk about, especially in the Holidays season. But we cannot keep our eyes shut and stay silent!

Women for sale?

In Advertising on October 31, 2010 at 10:44 pm

Not so long ago I was working at an advertising agency, more specifically a “cause marketing” advertising agency. Now I am in the online media industry, but I still have a weak spot for an impactful creative.

I came across this installation marketing in Tel Aviv against human trafficking. Using real women with price tags at a shopping mall will definitely create buzz and create awareness.

Advertising ‏Agency: Shalmor Avnon Amichay/Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv, Israel

Did you know that human trafficking is estimated to be a $7 billion dollar annual business?

Here are some other creative from around the world against human trafficking:

I love advertising!

In Advertising on October 3, 2010 at 9:11 pm

There is no second chance at making a good impression. If ads don’t catch your attention within seconds they are considered failed. I came across the new French Connection campaign and it made me look twice. It is memorable, provocative and it connected with me.

From their first FCUK campaign, French Connection established their brand as being innovative, creative, exciting, pushing boundaries and making a statement. The new French Connection campaign studies the men and women behaviours, clothing and styles.

The creative brains behind the campaign:

Advertising Agency: Fallon, London, UK
Art Directors / Copywriters: Selena Mckenzie, Toby Moore
Photographer: Leila Naaman
Typographers: Philip Bosher, Monica Pirovana

Fashion and advertising, a great way to end the weekend and start the week feeling creative and inspired.